Current PEC Points Ranking – Women

Current rankings consist of the PEC Points awarded in the past 24 months, calculated on the first of each month (or when Sunday Race Club results from the previous month are verified). Thus, at the moment the current rankings consist of results from all races in and between March 2023 and February 2025. Only the top 50 riders are ranked in this system.

PlaceRiderPEC Points
1Kathrin Fuhrer1,252.9
2Gabriela Guerra570.6
3Kate McCarthy537.7
4Lou Bates428.9
5Mika Söderström250.5
6Kristen Kulchinsky234.4
7Arielle Verhaaren233.2
8Selene Colombi231.9
9Merle Brunnee225.4
10Daniela Marin172.8
11Chiara Doni168.6
12Minna Koistinen166.5
13Marlene Bjärehed156.3
14Maria Holdcroft129.9
15Katy Hill118.7
16Sandrine Etienne115.9
17Vicki Whitelaw108.3
18Illi Gardner100
19Novielyn Kukkonen90
20Rosario Estrada88.8
21Laura Simenc87.1
22Liz Van Houweling84.6
23Stefanie Sydlik79
24Mary Wilkinson76.8
25Alice Lethbridge74.8
26Monilee Keller73.2
27Emma Belforth72
28Charlotte Colclough64.2
29Jessenia Meneses62.8
30Sandra Veronica Giraldo Arias58
31Gokce Paul56.6
32Laurence Mottas54.5
33Angela Roberts54
34Zoe Langham51.2
35Lizi Brooke50.9
36Lam Kong50.7
37Emily Ehrlich50.4
38Emma Dryhovden48.5
39Lucy Harris48.3
40Lyndsey Cassie47.4
41Loes Adegeest44.1
42Caroupe Quevedo42
43Gemma Brogan41.6
44Milène Proust41.2
T-45Liliana Moreno40
T-45Maria Ortiz40
47Anne Nevin39.5
48Roberta Bussone38.3
49Jacquie Godbe33.2
50Lisa Hermansson31.7